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CES water treatment team can provide DB, DBO and DBOT services for applications ranging from basic and advanced municipal and industrial water treatment including water re-use systems, boiler feed water systems, potable water supply, de-mineralized water NOx control,and water bottling systems and do so as a result of the cost effective and efficient technologies, combinations of technologies and global procurement logistics it employs.



The CES water treatment team utilizes a variety of systems and technologies custom designed to meet individual client requirements ranging from conventional screening, chemical treatment, clarifiers, media filters, softeners and disinfection sub-systems to advanced filtration techniques for reverse osmosis (RO) pretreatment including micro-filtration and ultra-filtration to use of anti scaling reagents for RO membrane filtration to d-mineralization systems including electro-deionization (EDI).


Project Experience


CES water team key personnel have water treatment project experience ranging from designing and building complete stand alone plants for water bottling, municipal drinking water and power plants to providingkey subsystems as portions of projects others specified and/or upgrades for operating plants.A sample case for each of these applications is provided in the sub-sections that follows.


Water Bottling Plant


CES water team key personnel designed, implemented and commissioned a bottled oxygenated water plant for “AENO Fresh” in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.   This is the first such plant in Asia based on CES technology. This 10,000 Bottles/Day plant has built in capability to produce alkaline water (negative ORP) and energy water as well.


CES Personnel also designed, constructed, and operated a 100,000 gal/day desalination plant and water bottling plant in Karachi, Pakistan.


Municipal Drinking Water Plant


CES water resources team members at Noyes and Associates designed, procured, installed and started up a 3,000 MGD (~500 m3/hr) water treatment plant in the City of La Villa, Texas for Hildago County.


Waste-To-Energy Power Plant Integrated Water Treatment Plant


CES has over 60 “waste to energy” projects in various stages of development. These projects require water for a variety of plant functions including:


  • Boiler Feed Water make-up,

  • Personnel Sanitation,

  • Facility Sanitation,

  • Water Cooling Tower make-up, and

  • Gasification/Combustion control.


CES has designed an integrated water treatment for one of these facilities, the Trivandrum WTE Plant at Chalai, to require no municipal water and to be at zero discharge to the municipal wastewater collection system. To do so requires that all of the water, including the cooling tower water be RO membrane filtered as the ground water making up the major of the make-up water for the plant is high in TDS (>1,500 mg/L) and also requires all of the combined wastewater and leachate be treated prior to combining with the ground water and storm water collected to provide the total treated water used within the plant.

Leachate Treatment System-PFD_001.jpg

Gas/Oil Fired Power Plant’s Water Treatment Plant


CES designed a water treatment system package for a 320 MW Gas/Oil fired Power Plant at a Middle Eastern site adjacent to a river.

The scope of work CES included the designing, procuring, installing and starting-up a 347 m3/hr Water Treatment System for a new Plant that is specified to intake Raw Water from a Raw Water Tank that is located adjacent to the Water Treatment Plant and treat it in different stages with different technologies to reduce levels of impurities and minerals and produce:

  • Demineralized Water for use:

    • in NOX control;

    • in purging components of the fuel system;

    • in washing the compressor and combustion turbine;

    • within the Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) treatment plant;

    • as make up water in the auxiliary boilers; and

    • in two units of the power machine group;

  • Service Water that will be used for:

    • Cleaning;

    • Washing;

    • Irrigation; and

    • make up water of fire-fighting system;

  • Potable Water that will be used for:

    • Cleaning;

    •  Washing;

    • Drinking; and

    • sanitary services; and

  • Fire Water that will used as make-up water within the fire fighting system.

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Process Flow Diagram For WTP Proposed For 320 MW Gas/Oil Fired Power Plant

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